November 3, 2021
While the preceding advice will help you win back clients who have had bad CX experiences, the following tips will point you in the right way so that it never has to come to that.
In 2021, brands must be customer-centric, which means putting CX strategies front and centre. Customers are increasingly utilising technology, which is altering the interaction between businesses and customers. As technology advances, so will the digital transformation that enterprises undergo; the most prominent influence on enterprises will be customer experience.
Customer experience will surpass pricing and product as a significant difference in 2021. So, from greater customer insights and customisation to automation and more straightforward access to information, here are some ways that digital transformation can improve your company’s customer experience.
Providing Easy Access to Information
We live in a customer-centric era when customers are well-informed and have switched power from businesses and brands to the customer. Furthermore, the digital age brings Generation Z, a group of customers that grew up with technology and instant access to information. Businesses have found that keeping data online is advantageous for CX plans and other company objectives due to digital transformation. Thanks to online storage and security developments, businesses have made it easier for customers to find the information they need.
An Era of Automation
The days of a customer experience strategy based on manual operations are long gone. Instead of calling a call centre to contact a company, clients can now use chatbots and computer-based programmes available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
According to Forbes, 80% of people who utilise chatbots do so to provide customer service. Thanks to digital transformation, simple customer service tasks, such as updating personal information or navigating through an app, have become more accessible. FinTech applications in the financial industry have improved customer experience by allowing customers to set up their bank accounts or investments and provide step-by-step instructions for money transfers. This reduces the need for customers to physically visit a bank to chat with a consultant, allowing you to focus on more sophisticated customer requirements.
If you aren’t already leveraging automation to improve customer experience initiatives in your company, 2021 is the year to start. Email marketing is one of the first and easiest things that your company can automate.
Get Personal
CX strategies entail more than just providing excellent customer service or reclaim clients who have had terrible experiences. While this is a significant and essential part of your customer’s experience with you, it isn’t the only one.
Customer experience plans must also include relevant product or service offers. Businesses and brands now have far more data at their disposal, which may help them gain insights into their customers and tailor their services and content to their customers or customer segments.
Online shopping and e-commerce shops already have a list of suggested things personalised to individuals and their browsing history, rather than popular for more significant customers. Of course, gathering data like this necessitates being open about it; else, poor customer service may result.
This method is easily adaptable to your company’s offerings but ensuring that you adopt a personalised approach will more than likely inspire a user to become a customer.
It’s time to put digital transformation to work for your company’s customer experience.