Media Intelligence: Guide to Different Types of Tweets & Twitter Metrics

Media Intelligence: Guide to Different Types of Tweets & Twitter Metrics

Media Intelligence: Guide to Different Types of Tweets & Twitter Metrics

Here are some popular types of Tweets to think about for your Twitter marketing plan as a brand. Determine a rough percentage for each type of Tweet; in general, we recommend erring on the low side for promotional Tweets and on the high side for conversational Tweets, but it all depends on your marketing strategy and objectives.

Promotional and corporate information: Obviously, some time and effort must be spent promoting your brand or product (s). However, you can (and should) think of new ways to accomplish this without becoming repetitious or unduly sales.

Conversational: Use Twitter to communicate with your followers conversationally. Remember that every Tweet you send is a direct message to a potential customer. As a result, approach it as a long-term relationship-building exercise.

Customer testimonials and retweets: Similar to suggestion #1, use your Twitter platform to share customer testimonials and reviews. This creates crucial social proof and trustworthiness. You could natively share this content (with the reviewer’s permission) or retweet a good comment when someone tags you on Twitter.

Tweet Videos: Twitter is an excellent platform for short-form video content. Use videos to market a product, offer behind-the-scenes footage and produce longer messages than the 280-character limit on Twitter allows.

Communicate with Customers: Many firms use Twitter’s immediacy to communicate status updates with their followers and acknowledge when something isn’t working, whether it’s with their product or their website.

Metrics to Monitor on Twitter

The metrics are where it’s at for assessing if your social marketing efforts are going correctly, according to social media managers. By clicking on the icon with three bars on any tweet, you can obtain quick-view analytics:

There are three main measures that we recommend looking at frequently for individuals who are just getting started:

Impressions: So, what exactly are impressions on Twitter? This is the total number of times your tweet was seen. This might be due to a search, them seeing it on their home feed because they follow you, or someone else like the tweet (remember Jack and Jill’s storey?).

Engagements: Engagement is a metric that measures how many people have interacted with your tweet. Although “impressions” are technically a sort of engagement, they are significantly more passive and are tracked independently in Twitter’s native analytics. Likes, comments, retweets, and/or clicks are examples of engagements (link clicks or profile clicks).

Followers: Keep track of the number of net-new followers you’ve gained (the new total minus the number of unfollows). This will give you an idea of how well your Tweets are reaching your target audience and if they’re resonating with them.

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